Welcome to Fifth Element Orgone
Fifth Element Orgone Pyramids and Orgonite Pendants, Pucks and Plates, are powerful energetic tools that can enhance all areas of your life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They can best be described as transmitters of Universal Light, also known as Source, Ether and Zero Point Energy. These higher frequencies have the ability to instantly transform negative energy into positive, both within you and your environment. And the best part is, they work automatically! Just by holding an orgone device or having one near you, negative energies will be cleared from your field creating a higher, more balanced and healthy state. You can also use your intent to direct this Source Energy towards personal healing, manifestation, protection and spiritual awakening. This is supported by the numerous customer testimonials I’ve received over the past 18 years of making orgone. Here you will find over 50 types of orgone to help you on your journey, made with only the highest quality crystals. If you’re looking for an authentic orgonite generator, you’ve come to the right place.
Here is what Orgone can do for you:
Increase energy and vitality
Energize food, water, herbs and supplements
Relieve mental and physical stress
Support meditation and spiritual growth
Create a more harmonious home and workplace
Experience a peaceful and restful sleep
Protect yourself from negative energies
Clear emotional and energetic blocks
Help protect against EMF and Wifi/RF Radiation
Cleanse and revitalize crystals

I am so grateful for your incredible works of art! The pyramid orgones are just WOW! I have been working with the orgones while I facilitate healing sessions with my clients, and the healings have been deeper and more profound for every single one of them! Each Orgone has it’s own unique energy! On a personal level, I have been feeling more energy and am in a constant state of joy!
I have also just started doing manifestation work and strongly feel that they are holding a strong space to assist in bringing them into fruition!
Peter’s orgone creations are the most beautiful and powerful I have ever seen. The subtle energy that is contained within these pyramids can have a profound effect on those who come into contact with it. I have several pyramids at home and one in my office at work. My work environment is very stressful and the pyramid has helped to create a more calm and harmonious work space. I would highly recommend these products to anyone who is interested in creating a healthier and happier living environment for themselves.
I have been doing energetic balancing and chakra work for over 30 years, and have had the chance to use and try a number organite chakra discs, some quite elaborate in their design. I just want to say nothing compares to the power and energy of your chakra disks, they are just amazing. They continue to be my “go to” organite’s for all my clients. Thanks for making these available for us in the healing community, working to bring more light and healing to the planet.

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