Orgone Chakra Discs
Price: $125 Canadian / $94 US / $84 Euro
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Orgone Chakra Discs are powerful tools designed to quickly clean, rebalance, align and energize your chakras and energetic body. Simply place them on your chakra points and they will start to work automatically. Energetic healers who use these discs in their practice, have told me they work in as little at 10 minutes. The 7 discs are colour coded for each chakra, and contain the crystals associated with each specific energy center. I’ve also added to each disc some special purpose crystals like blue kyanite for cleansing and clearing, selenite for charging, and serpentine to ensure a safe and balanced Kundalini experience if one was to occur.
For professional energy healers, I would consider these discs as must have items. They will allow you to facilitate more profound healings for your clients.
The discs are 6 cm or 2.5 inches in diameter
Orgonite Crystals:
Crown Chakra – Violet
Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz,, Moonstone, Snow Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Serpentine, Magnetite
Third Eye Chakra – Indigo
Amethyst, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Apatite, Blue Sodalite, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Serpentine, Magnetite
Throat Chakra – Blue
Blue Lace Agate, Blue Sodalite, Apatite, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Serpentine, Magnetite
Heart Chakra – Green
Green Aventurine, Jade, Emerald, Peridot, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Serpentine, Magnetite
Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow
Blood Stone, Citrine, Sunstone, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Serpentine, Magnetite
Naval Chakras – Orange
Carnelian, Citrine, Garnet, Tigers Eye, Moonstone, Red Jasper, Picasso Stone, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Serpentine, Magnetite
Root Chakra – Red
Black Kyanite, Black Tourmaline, Rainbow Obsidian, Red Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Serpentine, Magnetite
For a more detailed description of the metaphysical properties of these crystals please visit the Crystals section of this site.
Fifth Element Orgone products are made here in Vancouver, BC, Canada
What customers have said:
“I have been doing energetic balancing and chakra work for over 30 years, and have had the chance to use and try a number organite chakra discs, some quite elaborate in their design. I just want to say nothing compares to the power and energy of your chakra disks, they are just amazing. They continue to be my “go to” organite’s for all my clients. Thanks for making these available for us in the healing community, working to bring more light and healing to the planet.”
Lawrence Needham, New York
” I have found the Chakras Discs to be incredibly effective during treatments. Both myself and clients have experienced immediate balancing of the Chakras, as well as clearing of blocked energy held in the Chakras centers. This alignment of energy allows one to move through physical, spiritual and emotional experiences in a more balanced and protected way.” Candice – Utopia – North Vancouver
“Just wanted to let you know that duriing the Orgone Chakras discs unveiling yesterday the red ones worked their grounding magic. All the students felt the non-stop tingling under their feet plus heat and heaviness. It was amazing to witness the smiles on their faces that they were experiencing sensations so poweful that they couldn’t stop talking about even after the workshop was over. ” – Saurang McEwen
” In regards to the discs I am very pleased with them! I noticed an extremely powerful warmth when meditating with the heart disk on my root Chakras! It opened my kundalini instantly.” – Scott, Vancouver
Additional Notes:
If you would like to use them while sitting in meditation, or standing, consider having a shirt made with pockets for each disc. You also can use Tubular Gauze in creative ways to make this work.
Whenever I make new products, I share them with my friends to verify firstly that they work, and secondly to find out exactly what they doing. When I shared the Chakra Discs, immediately my friends commented on how powerfully the Discs were working. The following info is a summary from the from notes I took.
It seems the first things these discs do is clean up your chakras, from psychic, lower astral energies and karmic debris. This makes the chakras sluggish, and the energy doesn’t move well. So if your someone who hasn’t done energy work before, or has a lot of debris, these discs will kick start the chakras and break this up. So the chakras will go from a clogged or blocked atrophied state to a more flowing expansive state. It will do this gradually and smoothly by dissolving the debris, and the orgone effect will transform it. The chakra centers will start spinning better and better. If you a healing practitioner it will help clear up any debris from your spiritual work.
If you are a person who already does energy training, and your chakras are clear and moving properly, the discs will “amp this up big time”, spinning them so much faster, enhancing their attributes, expand and stabilize them so they will hold more energy. Many of my friends shared with me that they felt these discs were so powerful that people new to energy work should use them only for a short time to begin with. Some have suggested they should perhaps only be used by energy practitioners, or people who have done energy body training.
After I made the first set of discs I remembered an interesting concept from the author of a book on the ancient Mayan civilization. He had written about the Biblical passage that 144,000 people, the elect, will Ascend to God, which could simply mean reaching “God Consciousness”. The author talked about our chakras each having petals, like on a flower. The Root has 4, the Naval has 6, Solar Plexus 10, Heart 12, Throat 16, Third Eye 96. Add these up and you have 144. The Crown has 1000, so multiplying the two brings you to 144,000. So what if all one needs to do to “Ascend to God” is simply to fully open all of the petals of your chakras. With the Orgone Chakra Discs, this now becomes much more easy to accomplish.