Divine Love Orgone Pendant
Price: $26 Canadian / $20 US / $18 Euro
Price: 2+: $20 Cdn / $14 US / $14 €
Free Shipping on orders $225+

I made this pendant for those who would like to be more Heart centered in their lives and embody more Love energy. I’ve used the most common crystals associated with all aspects of Love to make this pendant as useful as possible. Some, like Rose Quartz, are an all purpose Love crystal, while others will help in more specific areas. For example, Sunstone helps with giving and receiving Love. Moonstone helps draw Love into your life, and Carnelian help with relationships.
These pendants come in the color pink
The metal used is copper, and at the back is a copper spiral to help direct the energy.
I use black waxed cotton for the strings. If you would like to color code your pendant, I also have pink string. It has two slipknots so you can adjust the length of the pendant
Orgonite Crystals:
The crystals used are:
- Amethyst
- Amazonite
- Blue Kyanite
- Blue Sodalite
- Carnelian
- Clear Quartz
- Emerald
- Moonstone
- Peridot
- Pyrite
- Red Jasper
- Rose Quartz
- Rutilated Quartz
- Selenite
- Serpentine
- Sunstone
For a more detailed description of the metaphysical properties of these crystals please visit the Crystals section of this site.
Fifth Element Orgone products are made here in Vancouver, BC, Canada