Large EMF Orgone Disc

Price: $26 Canadian / $20 US / $18 Euro
Price: 2+: $20 Cdn / $14 US / $14 €

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I created the EMF Orgone Disc because I wanted something larger than a pocket disc, but lower profile than a power puck, This way I could use much larger crystals, while still having it be easy to carry around. The size is really perfect. They are a little under 6 cm in diameter or 2.25 inches and about 1.5 cm or .5 inch thick. My idea was to have one in a pocket on each side of my body for protection again all sources of EMF/WiFi/RF radiation. Considering the increase in this type of electrosmog, having something like this on your person is a necessity. And of course, these would make great gifts for your loved ones.

Orgonite Crystals:

I’ve added all the main crystals for EMF/RF radiation protection, plus grounding and clearing crystals to make sure it will function at it’s best at all times. The metal used is copper, and there is a copper spiral to help direct the energy.

For EMF protection: Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Amazonite, Green Aventurine and Blue Sodalite
For Grounding: Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite and Smoky Quartz
For Clearing: Blue Kyanite, Black Kyanite and Selenite

There is also Clear Quartz for programmability and to amplify the energy, and I’ve included some Bronzite which is said to protect against negative thoughts and intentions sent your way, and bouncing it back to the sender.:

For a more detailed description of the metaphysical properties of these crystals please visit the Crystals section of this site.

Fifth Element Orgone products are made here in Vancouver, BC, Canada

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