Love Soulmate Orgone Pyramid
Price: $125 Canadian / $94 US / $84 Euro
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The Love Soulmate Orgone Pyramid was created with the Intent to help people open themselves to Love and to find their soulmate. The colors I chose for this pyramid are pink, green and red. Pink to signify Divine Love, green for the Heart Centered Love, and orange for the Sacral Sexual Center Love.
The crystals used are related to all aspect of Love, from opening our heart to the energies of love, attracting love, to clearing away past attachments, and dissolving blockages to love. There have been quite a few interesting comments I’ve had about this pyramid. My friend who originally requested one told me that the day after she received the pyramid three different people asked her out. I was wondering if this was a result of past issues being cleared out making her more open to a relationship, or that her Intent was magnified, or a combination of both. One customer told me she shared the pyramid with her neighbor and after he held it for a few moment he became emotional and professed his love for her. It was at that point I realized how powerful these pyramids can be at clearing energetic blockages.
Orgonite Crystals:
The crystals used in this pyramid are:
Pink Layer: Twin Double Terminated Quartz, considered the Soulmate crystal.
Under this, a layer of Rose Quartz chips, and in the center of the pyramid a large piece of Rose Quartz
Green Heart Layer are: Green Calcite, Jade, Green Aventurine, Fluorite, Blue Kyanite, Rutilated Quartz, Emerald, Amethyst and Serpentine
Red Root Layer are: Black Kyanite, Rainbow Obsidian, Garnet Pyrite, Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Magnetite Black onyx, Tigers Eye.
For a more detailed description of the metaphysical properties of these crystals please visit the Crystals section of this site.
There are two layers of copper and a copper spiral to direct the energy upwards. At the base there is an open channel in the copper so that you can put the pyramid on an LED light stand. This transforms it into an even more beautiful art piece.
Fifth Element Orgone products are made here in Vancouver, BC, Canada