Orgone Pendants – Standard
Price: $26 Canadian / $20 US / $18 Euro
Price: 2+: $20 Cdn / $14 US / $14 €
Free Shipping on orders $225+

I feel that owning an orgone pendant is one of the best investments you can make. Even though they may appear small, they are quite powerful. My customers have told me about how they feel more energized, focused, and slept better after receiving a pendant, and even said that negative people didn’t come near them anymore. I’ve had many friends tell me how they felt energetic blocks being removed just by placing it on their body, and that they wear them 24/7. The orgone pendant creates a high frequency field of Orgone Energy, which interacts with your energy field, raising and strengthening it. Considering we are constantly being bombarded by low frequencies, including WiFi, EMF electrosmog, people’s negative emotional states etc, wearing an orgone device is almost a necessity these days.
For energy healing practitioners, you can use the pendants energy to power yourself up before a session, as well as to protect you from, and clear lower frequencies from your aura. Just follow your intuition on how to use the pendant.
I’ve made a few different versions of these pendants. To choose the right one simply ask “which one is the right one for me” and then follow your Heart’s guidance. If your energetically sensitive, tune in to the pendants and you should be able to feel their Energy.
They come in clear, violet, blue and green
The pendants are a mix of copper and a combination of crystals known for their spiritual, healing, grounding and protective qualities. At the bottom is a copper spiral to help direct the energy.
I use black waxed cotton for the strings. If you would like to color code your pendant, I also have strings in blue, green, turquoise, pink, purple and yellow. It has two slipknots so you can adjust the length of the pendant.
Orgonite Crystals:
The crystals used are:
- Amethyst
- Black Kyanite
- Black Tourmaline
- Blue Kyanite
- Blue Sodalite
- Carnelian
- Clear Quartz
- Hematite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Peridot
- Pyrite
- Red Jasper
- Rose Quartz
- Rutilated Quartz
- Selenite
- Serpentine
- Shungite
For a more detailed description of the metaphysical properties of these crystals please visit the Crystals section of this site.
Fifth Element Orgone products are made here in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Customer Reviews:
” My daughter and I love the orgone pendants. She hasn’t been bothered by nightmares since she hung it on her bedpost. I put the pink pendant in my car. Every time I look at it I feel peaceful 🙂 “
” The Om pendant I purchased is working really well. I think more clearly, have more energy, and just feel really good all the time! orgone is amazing stuff, so good that I want some more.” Simon, Australia
” I wanted to write to share with you how incredible my experience has been with the Metatron Pendant. The energy it emits has kept me protected and allowed me to find peace within at every moment. I have many friends who are energy workers and they are beyond impressed by it’s power, and all others have been drawn into it’s energy as well. I am so looking forward to the pyramid once it is ready! “Jamie, California
“Just wanted to send you a huge huge thank you for your product. I have been wearing the pendant now for a few days with the most amazing results!!! I have been able to sleep and go into situations where the energy is quite dense without being harmed or feeling uncomfortable at all. Now I feel very good about ordering a Pyramid from you and all of your other products. Blessings to your business and you. Your products have changed my experience here on earth in a wonderful positive way and now I am able to help others without energetic interference. Blessings” Shelley, Ontario, Canada
” Dear Peter. I have received the pendants..It’s lovely and the workmanship is perfect. Thank you for the lovely creations. God Bless! ” Jenny, Malaysia
” I do have to say…this pendant is powerful. I truly love it! The deep red color is beautiful. I can tell you put a lot of good energy and thought into this one.” Stacy, Missouri, USA”
” Your pendant is such a wonderful gift. I highly recommend to everyone who has an open heart and an open mind to experience the being at one with the universe. I love to wear my pendant. I feel so grounded and have such a warm peaceful energy flow. Love & Light! Sue H., Reiki Master / Matric Energy Healing
” I wear it daily. By wearing it at night I find an enhancement of lucid dreaming and a clearing away of negative entities because your promoting a stronger chi flow….wearing it out in the daily environment, I can feel that it created a bubble of Chi around you that keeps the negative Chi away from you, like a force field, and helping to neutralize negative energies and those not conducive to your well being….I can feel it creating a positive field around me.” Marc S., Taoist Internal Alchemy and Vajrayana Buddhism Practitioner Vancouver, Canada
” I just bought one of your pendants and I have to say the instant I put it on I just felt like it was removing…it was…it shifted my entire being, and I am a highly, highly sensitive being. Thank you so much.” Zale R., Reiki Practitioner Vancouver, Canada
“As an intuitive, I am sensitive to energies. When Peter handed me the Flower of Life pendant, I instantly became aware of the consciousness of the Flower of Life symbol. It was as if the symbol was coming alive and interacting with my own consciousness. I felt the imprint of the symbol “working” on every cell within my Being and I experienced deep joy and excitement. These Sacred geometric symbols are very powerful and when treated with reverence and respect, they become powerful tools of transformation for this new age. I believe that orgone energy supports this alchemical relationship between humans and the Divine.” Julia King Psychic/Clairvoyant/Energetic Reader and Healer.
” Hello Peter. Just wanted you to know that I received the beautiful pendant today. Such a small object with so much power!” Randall, California
” Hi Peter. Thank you for the Tasmanian Energy Vortex Pendant. I’ve been wearing the pendant almost everyday since receiving it in the mail and the energy that has manifested in the span of the last 2 weeks has been quite extraordinary. I have more energy throughout the day and am able to function better and take action in a more lucid state of mind. I”m still testing and monitoring the changes that occur when I”m wearing the pendant and will let you know what has transpired.” Effy, Santa Ana, California
” I have to tell you these pendants and this plate are absolutely beautiful. I had already ordered some things from another company and they do not hold a candle to yours. I am wearing the blue pendant now and felt incredible energy as soon as I put it on. Thanks so much. These things are exceptionally beautiful.” Nancy, Wyoming, USA
“Hi Peter, The pendants arrived safely. They are absolutely stunning and the girls really love them. Thanks for your amazing work!” – Carolyn
“Hey Peter, The pendant cam in and I have to say that my energy and mood levels have gone up tremendously! Thanks so much!” – Andrew
“I just received my orgone pendant and it’s absolutely beautiful! I love the color of it more than in the picture! I was instantly connected with it. Peter was very kind and helpful to work with. I will definitely return! Thanks so much!!” Kristin
“I love my orgone generators and while I was working on my VibraScan today, I wore the pendant. Got some amazing”hits” while I was working. I believe the pendant connects the solar plexus (personal power) with the higher chakras and to our Source, and the connection to all……rather like plugging in to our Higher Self. Amazing.” – Anita L.
“My depression lifted the moment I put on the pendant”
“Hi Peter, I have received all the Pendants. I must say I really feel so much better – more positive and happy wearing it, and my kids did not reject them as I feared, they happily accepted them and have them on all the time.” Thanks