Orgone Pucks
Price: $26 Cdn / $18 US / $18 Euro
Price: 4+ $20 Cdn / $14 US / $14 Euro
Free Shipping on orders $225+

Orgone Pucks are a great mid sized orgone tool that you can use in a number of ways, the most important of which is the creation of a bubble of protection around your living or work space. Simply place one in each corner of your home or apartment, and they will connect to form an energy grid. This is like an energy shield that will balance and harmonize the energy in your living environment as well as “push away” any negative frequencies. This orgone field will encompass your entire home
If you have a yard, you can bury them in the 4 corners of your property. When they are buried the energy field created is exponentially stronger. In terms of the range, an energy sensitive friend of mine once remarked about a puck I had buried, that he could feel the energy field to be at least half a city block wide and growing.
Orgonite Crystals:
There is a double terminated Quartz in the center of each puck, as well as a copper spiral to channel the energy upwards. The first layer is copper, and the second is brass plus some titanium, and contains the following crystals::
- Amethyst
- Black Tourmaline
- Blue Kyanite
- Blue Sodalite
- Carnelian
- Clear Quartz
- Hematite
- Magnetite
- Pyrite
- Red Jasper
- Rose Quartz
- Rutilated Quartz
- Selenite
- Serpentine
- Shungite
I chose these crystals to make my pucks as balanced and well rounded as possible. I wanted the metaphysical properties to help you in all the areas of life you needed them to, from help with spiritual matters, healing, to EMF protection and grounding.
For a more detailed description of the metaphysical properties of these crystals please visit the Crystals section of this site.
Fifth Element Orgone products are made here in Vancouver, BC, Canada
How You Can Use The Pucks:
If you have a garden, place them in the four corners to enhance plant growth. Or you can simply put them right beside your plants. I’ve had some customers tell me their plants grew faster and were stronger than before the orgone.
I”m told by my customers that they work really well for clearing out EMF pollution. Place one beside your computer, in front of your computer monitor or Television set and definitely by your Wifi modem or router. You can even bury them under nearby power transformers and cell phone towers to help neutralize negative fields.
You can also place them in the 4 corners of your bed for a more restful stress free sleep.
You can use the Power Pucks to help energetically clear your food and drink. Just place one beside your groceries or by the refrigerator.
You can put small objects on top of the Power Puck to help clear them, like crystals, rings, bracelets or pendants.
And if you want to promote the energy of certain crystals in your home, you can leave one on the top of the Power Puck. You can even try coating them with an essential oil blend so they vibrate with those frequencies.
Power Pucks can also be used for gifting, which is a way to clear away negative energies by burying them in areas you feel could use some help. These are wonderful tools for healing our environment.
For negative energy vortexes, simply place one of top to clear it.
For healing you can try placing them against your body and intending the energy to heal.
What Customers Have Said:
“The pucks turned up today and they look awesome! I’ve postitioned them around the house and it feels like the place has a different vibe already.” Simon, Australia
” Hi Peter! Thank you for the beautiful products. I was surprised at how pretty and intricate the power pucks really are! I was expecting a run-of-the-mill orgone “muffin” loaded with metal shavings. I ordered one of each color and placed them in the corners of my house according to their feng shui colors, and I have to say the energies in my house are so breezy and light now. Also, thank you for the pendant; I wear it whenever I leave the house. I’ll be buying a pyramid from you soon!” Aisha, Hawaii
Hello, my order arrived yesterday OMGoodness! I handn’t taken them out of the wrapper and could feel the energy. The blue pucks are simply gorgeous!!!!! Blessings
Your devices seem very effective at deflecting negative energy but also attracting positive.
None of the other organite I have tried seemed to work at all so I”ve very pleased. I wouldn’t mind getting a few more pucks. – Brenda.
I have to say, the two nights I have put the four power pucks at the four corners at the base of my bed, I have slept right through the night. Wow, that is really something since it is a rare occurrence that that happens. When I get into bed, I can feel my whole body relaxing…so awesome! Carol