Sri Yantra Orgone Pendant
Price: $26 Canadian / $20 US / $18 Euro
Price: 2+: $20 Cdn / $14 US / $14 €
Free Shipping for orders $225+

The Sri Yantra is considered to be the most energizing and healing of all Yantras.
A Yantra is a Sacred Geometry image that is said to draw in large amounts of Cosmic Energy. I liken it to a circuit that Divine Energies run through.
They come in clear, violet, blue and green
The pendants are a mix of copper and a combination of crystals known for their spiritual, healing, grounding and protective qualities.
At the bottom is a copper spiral to help direct the energy.
Orgonite Crystals:
The crystals used are:
- Amethyst
- Black Kyanite
- Black Tourmaline
- Blue Kyanite
- Blue Sodalite
- Carnelian
- Clear Quartz
- Hematite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Peridot
- Pyrite
- Red Jasper
- Rose Quartz
- Rutilated Quartz
- Selenite
- Serpentine
- Shungite
For a more detailed description of the metaphysical properties of these crystals please visit the Crystals section of this site.
Fifth Element Orgone products are made here in Vancouver, BC, Canada